Myodesopsia International

Our Vision

To create a world where myodesopsia is recognised, understood, and easily treated.

Our Mission

We support myodesopsia sufferers by raising awareness and understanding internationally whilst sponsoring research and collaboration to accelerate the development of better treatment options.

Normal vision
Vision with myodesopsia

 If this is your experience, we represent you.

Have you been told that these moving shapes in your vision are "benign," that they will "improve over time," or that you will "just get used to them"?

While many people are able to cope with milder cases of these so-called "eye floaters,"  this type of advice is in direct contradiction to the experience of many people who suffer from these symptoms - which can have profound impacts on quality of life.

Professional understanding of myodesopsia has begun to change, and Myodesopsia International exists to bridge the gap between patients and doctors, accelerating change where it is needed most.

Who are we?

Established in 2023, Myodesopsia International is a registered charity in England and Wales (#1202141). We exist to ensure that the voices of myodesopsia patients are represented in the medical and research communities, to provide accurate information, and to help patients better understand their condition and get the best possible care.